Put the torch and oil water pipe rig down and consider them as nice decor because, once you’ve experienced the VapeXhale Evo™ along with their amazing hydratubes™, your world will change entirely. The EVO vapes dry flowers as well as concentrates with two different accessories, it’s easy to go back and forth essentially as well. When it comes to medicating with cannabis in any form, this is a must have for any serious cannabis enthusiast. Save your lungs and start vaporizing with the best- VapeXhale! We have been using the VapeXhale Evo for a few years now, it happens to be one of our tools that is used for our strain and concentrate reviews. The volume of milky vapor, smooth hits, and true flavors of cannabis come through perfectly every time with our VapeXhale and accessories.

We challenge anyone to prove otherwise that this isn’t the best desktop vaporizer on the market today, not to mention a piggy bank of savings that one can achieve by vaping efficiently and effectively.Seibo Shen, founder & CEO of VapeXhale has spent years with various vaporizers as a consumer; he understood what was missing and what was needed as a health conscience Cannapolitan person that he is. He developed the perfect desktop unit that is versatile, extremely effective, and easy to use. VapeXhale continues to innovate and evolve their product line, including the hydratubes and the accessories that you can add to your VapeXhale Evo. The latest addition to the VapeXhale family of accessories is the Evo station, which is the perfect companion that completes the VapeXhale EVO™ alongside the legendary HoneyComb™ hydratube. The EVO Station secures all accessories, tools, hydratubes, and provides a party foul fail safe by securing the EVO™ and adding stability. The ideal setup for a gathering of users is to place it in a location that is easily accessible as a walk up or a sitting station. Currently one of the most popular hydratubes is the standard size HoneyComb™ hydratube that we just mentioned which was designed for maximum diffusion. The HoneyComb™ has a gridded barrel with an added HoneyComb™ diffuser that creates smooth, milky, flavor country vapor. The craftsmanship that goes into the quality of the glass is always outstanding and durable. Accessories with upgraded materials such as the quartz VapeXNail™ provides the best way to consume concentrates with your VapeXhale system. By utilizing the EVO™ technology, the VapeXNail™ offers more efficiency medicating with concentrates and delivers greater amounts of extremely potent flavorful vapor. Quartz is known for its durability during temperature fluctuation as well. VapeXhale is a company that is worth investing in their products, their customer service is outstanding if needed on a rare occasion and their passion and innovation will continue to lead the industry for revolutionizing the way people consume cannabis. A butane-free, torch-free, and all around safer experience is what makes the VapeXhale Evo our favorite desktop device. Consider making a goal to enjoy your cannabis on a healthier and more effective way by getting your own VapeXhale EVO™ starter kit. Any starter kit will pay for itself in the matter of a short time depending on your consumption, but if you’re curious how much, there’s a savings calculator on their site for that too at www.Vapexhale.com.