Here at Cannapolitan, we’re all about sharing information and education. Our “This For That” series is designed to help share experiences of others that have been found that Cannabis works for their condition(s) and improving their ability to get relief. Better quality of life we all can agree is what everyone wants. This month we will discuss what cannabis strains that we’ve heard work best for depression.
According to statistics, some 9 million Americans suffer from depression. Many of those patients are on some form of prescription anti-depressant like Lexapro or Celexa. But all of these pills come with some side effects; most anti-depressants have sexual side effects. Not only that, but anti-depressants are big business for the pharmaceutical companies. They would rather you not know about Cannabis and all the many uses it has to treat cases of depression every day.
Unwanted side effects
When critics of medical cannabis talk about marijuana’s “unwanted side effects,” the one they point out more often than not is the “feeling of euphoria” that comes from the THC in the buds. I’ve never really understood how euphoria can be an “unwanted” side effect, but to each his own. Some just want to treat their ailments without the feeling of getting high, and concentrates are good for that. But when it comes to depression, the “high” is what patients are looking for. What some consider a “high” is a all together different and more uplifting and positive experience for someone who is suffering from depression.
There are many strains that will counteract depression and anxiety. Based on information from patients experiencing depression, here are a few that have worked for them. Everyone is different, so some trial and experience is required to see if Cannabis works for you and your symptoms.
Strains that have been shown to combat depression are:
White Widow is an indica dominant hybrid that packs a strong punch and has a very uplifting high. Don’t be fooled by that though, WW has a strong indica “couch lock” effect that will put you out for the night.
Jillybean is an uplifting high and has less of an indica effect than White Widow. Jillybean has dark green buds with bright orange hairs and has a very orange/citrus type of smell and a great sativa buzz that is conducive to getting some work done free of depressive moods.
A sativa-dominant hybrid that is sure to elevate your mood is Snowcap. It is one of those strains that makes every activity better. Great for those whose depression keeps them from functioning and getting things done.
This is also true of the sativa strain, Jack Herer. Much like the man himself (R.I.P. Jack), this strain is motivating and uplifting; it’s like listening to one of Jack’s speeches; after it’s over you just want to get up and do something. Helpful for creativity and inspiration. Characterized by colorful, trichome-coated buds and a spicy smell and taste, Jack Herer will clear away your depressed mood; again, just like Jack Herer himself.
Blue Dream
A more sedative sativa-dominant hybrid is Blue Dream. While depression is often accompanied by a lot of sleep for the sufferer, often times it is not a restful sleep, but one of tossing and turning and a general feeling of discomfort. BD will help you take a restful nap while lowering your anxiety level. Blue Maui also has very close characteristics of Blue Dream, check out our review here.
Our last strain is Green Ribbon. A potent, frosty bud, GR is known for its almost white appearance with bright orange hairs. Some Green Ribbon is known for having a high THC content (25%+) meaning you should get quite a euphoric feeling from this strain. Not the best strain for doing activities but great for relaxing.
As is true of any depression medication, cannabis does not treat the root cause of depression, just the symptoms. As someone who has suffered with depression for nearly 20 years, I recommend talking with someone about your depression, whether it’s a doctor, family member, or just a trusted friend. Cannabis can help you function with your ailment, but there are reasons for your depression, and it’s best to find out what they are. Roughly 3.5% of depression sufferers commit suicide; that is not an insignificant number. Since the pandemic this past year (Covid 19) depression numbers are at an all time high globally. It’s good that Cannabis is considered essential in so many states and cities. Who would have thought that a global pandemic would be the reason that it is considered essential? What a time we’re living in!
In conclusion, finding the right cannabis strain for you is not an exact science. What works for one person, could not be what works for you. We suggest you use a bit of trial and error, as well as talking to your Cannabis doctor or bud tender about what strain will work best for your ailment. We’ll keep bringing you insight into how Cannabis can be effective in your life and how it can benefit your well being.

Free Help is Available
Depression is nothing to mess around with. It’s a serious condition and common. Anyone who is considering harming themselves or suicide needs to get help as soon as possible. There is countless services that are here to help anyone and at no cost. Councelors are available 24 hours a day to answer calls and and questions and are there to talk. There are many services available to all people regardless of income.
Free Hotline Numbers
If your depression has caused you to lose a job, drop out of school, lose touch with family or friends, or if you’ve noticed changes in your sleep and appetite that have not improved, contact one of these free resources to learn more about treating your depression.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
SAMHSA’s behavioral health treatment services locator is an easy and anonymous way to locate treatment facilities and other resources, such as support groups and counselors, to treat and manage depression.
- National Hopeline Network: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
If your depression is leading to suicidal thoughts, call the National Hopeline to connect with a depression treatment center in your area. The Hopeline also offers a live chat feature for those who don’t want to (or are unable to) call and can dispatch emergency crews to your location if necessary.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
This national hotline is another valuable resource for people whose depression has escalated to suicidal or other harmful thoughts. Their network of crisis centers provide emotional support and guidance to people in distress and are also available via a chat service and a special hotline number for the hearing impaired: 1-800-799-4889.
- National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663
This resource provides brief interventions for youth who are dealing with pregnancy, sexual abuse, child abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts. They also provide referrals to local counseling, treatment centers, and shelters.